GREATEST HITS: Martini Ranch

Opening night for Greatest Hits: Martini Ranch was a major success. A big thank you to everyone involved who made it happen. I want to thank everyone who showed up to make it a super fun night. And a special THANK YOU goes to James Cameron for his support and coming to see the exhibition in person. I know he loved the photos and catching up with him was the best part. I had so much fun talking with old friends, meeting new people and sharing my memories of the Martini Ranch REACH video shoot.
It was a great way to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of an amazing music video! It was like a High School reunion, but with really talented people. I want to give a big hug and shout out to one man… Andrew Todd! Andrew was the creative force behind Martini Ranch back in the day. I hadn’t seen him for 30 years and having him there made my night. Reconnecting and catching up with Andrew was one of the best parts of the whole night.
A special hug goes to the late Bill Paxton who was Andrew’s band partner and a good friend back in the day. Bill was always good to me and always treated me with respect. We always had good laughs when we shot or got together. I miss Bill big time.
I need to thank Sam Milgrom at Musichead Gallery for ALL his support. He puts up with me and supports my crazy ideas. I hope I’m around for the next 30 years so we can have the 60th Anniversary!
Produced by:
Nina Storm Experience
My Partners:
Chromatic Printing | Edge Grip & Studios | | Mr. Musichead Gallery
My All Access Committee:
James Cameron | Tom Huckabee | Michael Lippman | Nick Lippman | Rob Thomas