Los Angeles: 30in30

BIG NEWS:  Starting January 2nd 2017 all hell will break loose as I release my Greatest Hits project onto the world.  Or should I say start phase one.  Iโ€™m super excited to announce Greatest Hits:30in30.  What the fuck is this?  Simply this… Iโ€™m going to shoot 30 portraits in 30 days.  I want to celebrate my project in Los Angeles by having fun and creating great photos.  Iโ€™m going to shoot new bands, new talent and new portraits for 30 straight days.  Holy fuck this is going to be a huge challenge, but one that I look forward to.

Starting on January 2nd you can follow me onFacebook, Twitter and Instagram at @CuffaroPhoto for updates and to see the final portraits.  I’m going to social media the fuck out of this so stay with me from day one.  Its going to educational, fun and entertaining.  The best way to celebrate 30 years of music photography is 30 days of shooting portraits!  Woo hoo!

So please follow me and get ready for a truly special event.  30 days of serious creativity.  30 days of photography.  30 days of fun!

