Just finished the first week of my Greatest Hits: SoCal exhibition.Β  Here’s this weeks photos and locations.Β  And why the fuck we shot them at each location. Β Woo hoo!

06.04Nirvana | My Alley – I hung this print exactly where I shot the photo in 1991.Β  All these years later the alley still looks the same… dirty.

06.05Ice-T | 5th&Sunset – This location was where 5th&Sunset use to be way back in the day.Β  A fun studio blocks from where I live.

06.06Eddie Vedder | The Palladium – I shot this one at The Palladium in Hollywood cuz one of my favorite shows there was when Pearl Jam played on the same stage as Fugazi.Β  I know it was a big deal for Eddie.

06.07Slash | The Rainbow – Duh!Β  This one was too easy. Β 

06.08Jane’s Addiction | Studio 46 – Shot Jane’s at Studio 46 back in the day.Β  Did many shoots there cuz it was the best studio in LA at the time.

#20Days #20Locations #20Photos #GreatestHits #CuffaroHits